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I think if you are truly interested in "scheduling" tasks, you can always try OmniPlan. It is a completely different program does emphasize GANTT chart scheduling. OmniPlan is better at scheduling tasks than OmniFocus ever will be.

If your work life is truly structured in such a way that you will have no interruptions throughout the day and you can actually set your tasks to a clock, I consider you truly lucky.

OmniFocus is designed more to help you with tasks that don't really have a schedule. These are the one-off or infrequent repeating tasks (once a week or greater).

It sounds like you have a daily schedule of tasks that is actually part of your "work routine" and doesn't really need to be part of OmniFocus. Some folks will also call this a habit (a procedure or action that is repeated on a continuous basis). You won't need an OmniFocus task for "Eat lunch at 12 pm." You would already know that you usually eat around noon anyways.

For repeating tasks, I usually set up an outline in OmniOutliner (or whatever outliner you prefer to use --- MS Word, Pages, etc.). I'll print out several sheets for the next few days. Then I just check off the tasks on today's checklist. I really don't find any inspiration in seeing this daily checklist in OmniFocus. It would be a false reward to see obvious tasks that need to be checked off.