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Originally Posted by carlsson View Post
- If you are in an Action and press the up arrow you go to the Action before. This is very stupid, in all other Macintosh applications you go to the beginning of the field when you press up arrow.
We must have different sets of Macintosh applications, because I haven't managed to find one yet that behaves that way. Up arrow moves to the same spot in the previous line (if possible). The Omni apps operate this way, Pages, TextWrangler, TextEdit, Script Debugger, DevonThink, Stickies, Mail, Notational Velocity, etc. The only app I found on my system that didn't seem to behave this way is Things, which apparently won't let you jump from editing one item into another using the arrow keys.
*None of the arrow keys behave as in normal Mac applications.*
How do the arrow keys behave in "normal Mac applications"? I spend nearly all my time not in web browsers in various Omni apps, so maybe I just don't know what normal is :-)
My solution:
If you are IN the text field, let the arrow's behave as in a normal field. If the Action is marked, but you are NOT IN the field, use the arrows to move.
Also, let different combinations of COM and ALT move the action up and down in the list.
I think the arrow keys do function as in a normal expanse of text when in a text field. If a row is selected (oval goes around the entire thing), the up and down arrows move up and down by a row per press, selecting the new row and deselecting the old. If you hold down control and command while using the arrow keys, they move the selected row(s) correspondingly. It seems more natural to use the arrow to distinguish the direction of movement than the modifier keys! Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what you meant in your last sentence...
- To show the note of an Action, you use the shortcut "COM+'". To me it's more logical to use the right and left arrow, that should display/hide the note. As in the Finder List view for example.
Of course this would apply only when you are'nt IN the field.
A subtle distinction here: the function is Edit Note, not Show Note. The note is opened, if necessary, and the insertion point put in at the end of the note.
Maybe I am the only one that think this is a huge minus to OF...?
Oh, I doubt you are the only one (I know there's someone who complains about the behavior of delete once the beginning of a row is reached). Personally, I like the fluidity of treating the whole document as a giant text field, rather than a list of discrete islands, and would find it very annoying to have to click the mouse or use some other keyboard command or gesture to move to a different action or project. 30 years of using EMACS makes that fluidity seem quite natural. I might feel otherwise had I always used a field-based system. Fortunately, I didn't fall in with the wrong crowd during my formative years :-)