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Ahh ha! got it.

You seem to have uncovered a bug when a user sets the completed date of a project to sometime in the past.

What OmniFocus must be doing is... thinking that you want to set a completed project in the past and keep working on the project you are working on.

So it creates a completed project in the past, and let's you continue to work on the project.

I can see the confusion, why OmniFocus thinks this isn't a bug and at the same time how it is tied into my bug. :-)

What is the behavior you are expecting to happen when you enter in a completed date in the inspector? When do you think the start and due dates should be set at? Probably next week... right?

But the project won't set it's start date and due date into the future.

I would expect the project start and due date to be forwarded into the future from the assigned date. I would expect it to be forwarded into the future based on the completed date. But it gets stuck.

I don't see why anyone would want it to work like the way it is working. Unless someone wanted to back-complete a bunch of projects? I don't see that happening.

I agree it's a bug. And tied into my bug. :-)

Suggestion for you:

In the toolbar of OmniFocus, I don't see the completed project checkmark? To add it to the tool bar, right click on the toolbar, select customize and look for the complete icon. Drag that down to your toolbar.

You can also complete a project by right clicking on the project and marking it as complete.

That's how I usually complete projects.