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Thanks Derek, but that is not as flexible as I hoped.

I can go back and re-save my templates with these different settings which will help a bit but I was hoping to be able to set a specific colour for any outline according to the immediate purpose, then change the default for that file and continue with another colour for a time etc.

My intended use ties in with other discussions here about creating live linkage between the state of a column checkbox and some visual attribute like the gutter colour or similar for a topic.

The need comes from the difficulty in seeing quickly which items in the outline are completed from the checkbox state alone as it is small and black.

ClarisImpact outlines used a magenta checkbox tick mark which was clearly visible but the gutter is a nice, big block of colour which is instantly apprehended even when scrolling quickly through a document.

Perhaps some mechanism might be incorporated into the next release of OO that would satisfy this requirement.