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In OmniFocus for the Mac, I'm seeing a due flag for three tasks, but when I look further, there is nothing to do. Here is the background:
  • I'm in the Projects view
  • I have a folder structure with one "child" folder.
  • Within that folder, I had a project which had 2 tasks to complete.
  • This gave me a total of 3 "flags:" one for the project, and 1 each for the two tasks it contained.
  • I've since completed the project and its tasks.
  • The 3 tasks are now showing as overdue.

I've searched around OmniFocus in Contexts, Projects, Flagged, etc. and no where do I find that this project is still available for me to complete. However, the "due" flag (with 3 tasks) still shows.

The trick is, once I open the parent folder, the flag goes away. When I close it, the overdue flag reappears.
