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I'm using the standard version of OmniOutliner. How can I add the AppleScript below to OmniOutliner? I've searched the manual and couldn't find that information.


Originally Posted by RobTrew View Post
I would also find oo3 unusable without a simple zooming script which toggles between screen size and print size, but with such a script I find that the issue of display font size simply doesn't arise for me in practice ...

property pScreenSize : 16
property pPrintSize : 12
property pBackColor : {65535, 65535, 65535} -- {64928, 63055, 60274}

-- OmniOutliner Professional
on run
	ToggleSize(pScreenSize, false)
end run

-- Optionally apply a variant screen size directly through LaunchBar
on handle_string(strSize)
		set lngSize to strSize as integer
	on error
	end try
	ToggleSize(lngSize, true)
end handle_string

on ToggleSize(lngSize, blnScreen)
	tell application id "OOut"
		if (count of documents) < 1 then return
		tell style of front document
			-- temporarily increase the font size in screen mode
			tell attribute "font-size"
				if blnScreen then
					set pScreenSize to lngSize
					set value to pScreenSize
					set blnScreen to (value is pPrintSize)
					if blnScreen then
						set value to pScreenSize
						set value to pPrintSize
					end if
				end if
			end tell
			-- temporarily lower the the background contrast in screen mode
			tell attribute "text-background-color"
				if blnScreen then
					set value to pBackColor
					set value to default value
				end if
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end ToggleSize