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I tried a demo of Things 2 and saw the lack of nested tasks and folders to be a limiting factor as well.

Things 2 did catch up with OmniFocus with the daily review and cloud syncing.

The Daily Review is a slightly different twist to OmniFocus' review perspective. However, I'm still eagerly awaiting the introduction of the iPad review perspective. I'm probably just so used to the OmniFocus iPad variation of the weekly review.

I don't know if there is anything in Things that will keep me from jumping.

The forecast perspective found on the iOS versions of OmniFocus is suspected to come to the Mac version and would provide a considerable boost.

I did like Things' user interface for dragging and dropping projects or tasks into Scheduled or Someday/Maybe. But I can do that with setting the project status to "Active" or "On Hold". Things' tax easily handles multiple contexts in ways that OmniFocus can only dream of. With that being said, I'm comfortable with a single context but I can understand other people's needs for multiple contexts or tags.

Things' user interface showing Areas of Responsibilities can be easily replicate by using folders in OmniFocus.

I do prefer the inline task entry mode that Things has. I'm not a big fan of the inspector. Perhaps a window pane on the right side of the OmniFocus window would help.

I guess projects with parallel or sequential actions are something that mostly power users would take advantage of. But I seriously need parallel and sequential tasks and nested projects for me to do any work. Things can handle simpler project demands but I need parallel and sequential actions to make it work.

All in all, Things will be a nice upgrade for Things users and for OmniFocus users who are just wanting something a little simpler to use.

But I'm sticking on this side of the fence in the meantime. Time for a change? Hopefully but Things isn't quite what I had in mind.

Still missing for both Things and OmniFocus is true teamwork (delegation) collaboration. Oh well...