Thread: 43 folders
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I tried using the tickler for a while. I found it totally useless, but I know how some people really rely on theirs. As far as making a digital 43 folders as a tickler, that seems like a terrible idea to me. The use of 43 folders in the physical world is a compromise for what we want. Computers can do it so much better without stooping to the "folder" metaphor.

The closest thing I have to a tickler would be remind (and I do have tasks with start dates in the future in OF too). Put remind's output on the desktop with Geektool and use it to remind myself of things in the future. As far as linking files, emails or whatnot to the reminder itself, I just have a well organized home folder and Quicksilver (I can find whatever I need without remembering where I put it).

There's no real compelling reason to overcomplicate this process. If I want to be reminded of something on the thirteenth of May, I don't want to put it in the "13" folder under the "May" folder in some half-assed digital imitation of a file cabinet. I just want to put it someplace where on the thirteenth of May, it will pop up on my desktop and remind me. Why should I dig through a digital tickler file when my PC can do it for me?