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FWIW, when I run the ActiveOF2OPML-011 script, I get this error message (looks like pretty much the same one):

error "Traceback (most recent call last):
  File \"/Users/Redacted/Downloads/ActiveOF2OPML-011.scptd/Contents/Resources/\", line 253, in <module>
  File \"/Users/Redacted/Downloads/ActiveOF2OPML-011.scptd/Contents/Resources/\", line 66, in main
    flat_of = get_flat_omnifocus()
  File \"/Users/Redacted/Downloads/ActiveOF2OPML-011.scptd/Contents/Resources/\", line 155, in get_flat_omnifocus
    and p.folderEffectiveActive = ? and tpl.dateCompleted is ?', tpl)
sqlite3.OperationalError: near \"?\": syntax error" number 1
Don't know if that's helpful at all.