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Originally Posted by michelle
I understand your concern with having parallel and sequential tasks in the same project. We are working on that and we may be able to solve it through task groups and hierarchies.

Do you think we should allow more than one "next action" for a particular project? We've talked about it, but I don't think it's true GTD.

The Omni Group
Michelle-- funny, I was just thinking about this issue last night. Personally, I don't want to see more than one next action per project. But clearly, from the responses here, some other folks do. I can think of cases where both options could be useful.

I've purchased OOP and have been trying to learn Kinkless recently, and one of the things that frustrates me is that I can see more than one next action at a time. Yes, the very next one is color-coded purple and all those that follow it are black, but the color coding is not enough of a differentiation for me. I just don't want to see multiple NAs -- even if they can be done in parallel, no dependencies. Maybe as I get better at GTD this will change, but I'm still pretty new, and find that keeping it simple is important for now.

One of the challenges, for me, with GTD is that for some projects, you don't plan them all out because they may be subject to change. For others, however, like the painting example in this thread, the steps aren't going to change. Thus I can parse them all out ahead of time, get them into my trusted system in one fell swoop, but that doesn't mean I want to *see* them all at once from then on. One NA at a time works best for me.

Would it be possible to make it a preferences option, so you can choose how many NAs you want to see per project? That would be so helpful!