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I have a laptop, desktop, and iPhone syncing my OF database. Over the weekend, I completed a bunch of tasks on my iPhone and Laptop. I opened my desktop Monday morning, and it still had a lot of old tasks. I sync'ed it up, and instead of getting marked as complete, they seemed to stick around. Worse, my laptop had those tasks re-appear for me.

(Now, I realize I'm presenting a *terrible* case for reproducibility here, because I don't know what the order of my steps were, I'm not sure what I checked off where, or how the sync'ing happened.)

Has anyone else seen behavior like this?

One particular "bug" to note. It seems like if I check off a recurring task on my laptop, and then check it off the next day on my desktop, when it syncs up, I now have a duplicate of that task, but spaced one day apart. As if it doesn't realize that the same thing was checked off in two places in between syncs. Perhaps this is a bug related to using something like an instance ID instead of the recurring-task ID to resolve sync conflicts? (just speculating)

It makes me nervous to think that my carefully crafted DB of tasks might be getting sullied by the sync process. Very un-GTD-like anxiety starts to creep back into my trusted system! :-)