Thread: Today view?
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Omni apps tend to give you the tools you need to do what you want, but don't try to do everything for you. This is how they avoid creating ugly bloatware. If they added every feature that anyone would think to ask about, then it would bog down the application and make the other features harder to find. The argument that "you are not forced to use it" doesn't address this problem.

For your particular request, you can easily create your own Today view. So, there's no need for a built in feature. Here's how to create and save your own Today view:

1. Set up context view to group by tasks due today.
2. Collapse all tasks sections for tomorrow and the future.
3. Choose Perspective -> Save Perspective

Now your Today view is available from the Perspectives menu. In the future you'll be able to name perspectives, which will make this easier to use. Hope that helps!
