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A blocked action is any incomplete action that isn't currently available. There are several reasons an action might not be available:
  • It might have a start date that's in the future (or be in a project or action group which has a start date in the future). Once that date is reached, it will become available.
  • It might be in a sequential project or action group, and the earlier actions in the group are not yet complete. Once you finish the prerequisite actions (or change the group to allow parallel actions), it will become available.
  • It might not have a context assigned, or might be assigned to a context which is inactive or does not allow next actions. It will need to be assigned to a different context (or the context settings will need to change) before it becomes available again.
  • It might be in a project that's on hold, or in a folder that's marked inactive. It will become available again once you make its project active.

Hope this helps!

Last edited by Ken Case; 2007-11-19 at 12:25 AM.. Reason: Added some notes about when blocked actions will become available again.