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Regarding the script I pasted in above - you'd do well to note that there's something like a 6:1 relationship of <loc></loc> tags to OmniGraffle objects. Somewhere around 1500 objects in OmniGraffle seems to be the practical limit of what you can call responsiveness. After that, the application becomes fairly sluggish (at least on my 2Ghz MacBook, with 2 GB RAM)

200 <loc> tags runs in mere minutes. 1100 tags requires hours.

You can optimize the script a little by commenting out/removing this bit:
					if (urlsRead mod 10) is 0 then
						tell canvas of front window
							page adjust
						end tell
					end if
Then the layout will adjust only at the end. It's not as entertaining to watch, but then if you're doing a thousand-file site, you're probably not going to see anything in the upper-left corner of the document anyhow ;)