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How weird to see The Faithful get indignant about a proposed impure feature in a fundamentally impure program (re: outlining/nesting), from a company explicitly aiming to serve more than just the faithful. I'm reminded of the LOTR loonies hectoring Peter Jackson during his filmmaking.

It's a feature easily-enough made invisible. But still...the sacrilege incites eleven pages of howling.

Anyhoo, a few things amid the grogger spinning:

1. flagging is a poor workaround for prioritization (though nowhere near as poor as affixing prefixes...sheesh, to be forced into that in $80 software!) because flags are binary. If a very important action is temporarily overshadowed by some screamingly important actions, and you de-flag the former to highlight the latter, the former might then get lost. We need a spectrum.

Also, as-is, gathering flagged actions into a single list (such a list being the ultimate intention of prioritization) means navigating two levels of pull-down menu (and doing so twice, to later reset flag view) without so much as a keyboard shortcut. Ugh.

2. I love Adam's idea of "have the ability to create Smart Folders that can be configured to display a variety of data using rules (contexts being one of them)". Hope that didn't go unnoticed by TPTB.

Last edited by Eric Schoenfeld; 2008-01-12 at 08:30 PM.. Reason: typo