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Yet another way to roll, assuming "today's tasks" share some common thread, like a due date of today or a start date of today:

Go to Context mode and adjust the view options to show you your tasks in remaining contexts grouped by due date, sorted by due date, availability filter set to remaining, status filter set to due soon, estimated time filter set to any duration. Now close all of the future groups, leaving open only the Today group, and optionally the past groups. Save as a perspective, making sure that the Restore: Expansion option is ticked. This will show you what is due today, what is overdue if you open the past groups, and a bit of what is due in the future if you open the future groups.

You can similarly build a perspective that groups by start date, sorts by due date showing remaining actions with past and future groups closed. This is a "tickler" perspective, like the GTD tickler file. If you use the urgent perspective from the previous paragraph to put out any fires (or keep them from starting), and this to play "whack-a-mole" on work as it first becomes available, you should be fairly productive.

If you want some finer gradations of priority, and don't intend to use the duration estimate field, you can repurpose it as a priority field. Change those perspectives to sort by duration and give the higher priority items a smaller number (duration sorts the shortest items to the top). You don't have to give everything a priority value; anything with a number will sort before everything without a number.