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Originally Posted by keynotes View Post
Thanks to everyone for their replies. What I'm looking for doesn't seem to be supported by OmniFocus at this time. I'm used to looking at today's tasks, then sorting them manually by priority (whatever happens to be most important to me that day). That way, the top of the list is always the highest-priority task and you can just complete tasks in order of priority, so you'll always be working on your highest-priority task.

Could this be incorporated into OmniFocus 2.0? It's a shame that it's not possible to drag to reorder tasks in the Due perspective.
I fear Things has sort of corrupted the "todo" list idea and everyone feels that the best way to accomplish things is via a "Today" view.

I get the reasoning, but that isn't always the best way to do it.

What I suggest doing is setting your "Start Date" and "End Date" on your tasks. This will put them into the "Due" view.

There is no way to sort the tasks by priority that I'm aware of.

I suggest ignoring this aspect of your workflow for the time being and give the application a shot outside of this (probably obvious) drawback.

I have tried Things, The Hit List, Todo, and a few others but I keep coming back to OmniFocus. It just handles things a lot better than other applications. It is missing some glaringly obvious things. But the rest of the application is so much better I just can't force myself to keep trying other apps any more.