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In the near future, no. Priorities are one of the feature requests in the system, but the ones we're working on right now have more demand behind them.

I would hesitate to dismiss the whole no-priorities position as dogma, though; that's an oversimplification. For some folks the feature would constitute nothing more than an attractive distraction. (Twiddling tasks by marking them with statuses is not time spent getting things done, in other words.) One of the way OmniFocus is supposed to assist you is by helping avoid distractions.

Personally, I do fine without them; I review my tasks, I flag the ones I care the most about, I do those, then I review again. Having additional layers of priority wouldn't help me one bit.

I know folks want priorities, but I'm not (again, personally; I am not speaking for Omni) convinced they actually need them. The app seems to be doing pretty well without them so far.

On the other hand, it is on the more popular end of the feature request list; ultimately, I'm not sure what we'll do.