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Originally Posted by Jessem View Post
I'd just be careful with OmniPlan 2. Make sure it will really hold up to daily use.
I guess I'm in the same boat as you were/are. I love OmniFocus and OmniGraffle Pro and would like to fall for OP2, but not yet.

The latest find is that OP2 doesn't allow me to change resource utilisation for particular task. Say, when the person is not available 100% of her time. In Merlin I can change Given Planned Utilisation for the task and I'm done (explained here). I can't find anything similar in OP2. If I change Units for the resource it changes it globally. There was a suggestion how to do something like this in OP2, but it looks more like a hack to me, while having a dedicated column in Merlin is more natural and can be seen immediately without playing with time allocation.

EDIT: Sorry, guys, I was talking off my a** here. Just found today how to do this. Via Inspector either choose the task and go to Task:Assignments or choose the resource and in Inspector go to Resource:Assignments. The former is better because you deal with the task you need to change and if you have combined 2+ projects in one file you may have tasks with the same name in different projects and the latter won't let you see which project the task if from (I don't see it at least).

Also, Merlin's master file to combine multiple projects is superior from my point of view to the proposed way of managing multiple projects in OP2.

For the same money Merlin feels superior so far. Sorry, Omni!

Last edited by amarkelo; 2011-12-04 at 12:57 PM.. Reason: I found how to change resource utilisation.