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Originally Posted by curt.clifton View Post
I definitely don't commit to items when the go into my Inbox. Commitment comes when they are processed into projects. If I have to think about commitment first, then I can't just throw ideas into my inbox. So, I like the current set up.
Fair enough. But let's not lose sight of my original point, which is: There are actions which have no context, and they don't show up when I choose to view actions with no context.

I can see nothing in the interface that indicates actions must be assigned to a project before they appear in context mode. For the way I work, it's just as likely that I'll first group actions by where I need to perform them (a context) and then group them into their corresponding projects.

To take things a bit further, one might question why there's even a list called "No Context" in Context mode. Its purpose, I can only assume, is to allow you to see and thus quickly assign contexts to actions which don't have any. That's all I wanted to do, but couldn't. Having said all that, a simple checkbox in the preferences would allow the user to specify the behavior...
[x] Show actions with no project in context mode