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similarly, r502 did not work using the instructions you gave me. I ended up with a database missing a lot of changes and I had to restore from TM backup.

I did however get things working using the following steps:

0. Download and install latest SneakyPeak 1.7.3
1. Turn off Sync in OF
2. Back up the database
3. Manually delete my .ofocus and DueSoon.ics from my iDisk
4. Quit OF to make sure any changes were saved (I was finding that OF did not save the db before a sync)
5. Open OF and turn on Sync.
6. File > Restore Server Database...
7. Add the test item in my Inbox
8. Sync

I tried a few permutations and that was the final one to get things working again. In amongst that I had Moved Old Data to Archive as well, but not sure whether that was relevant.
