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Originally Posted by johnrover
(…) I don't want that project mucking things up until it's started. (…), it just needs to be out of sight out of mind until it's start date.
Viewing actions we can either see all "Remainig" actions or just the "Available" ones, thereby excluding actions with a future start date.

I agree that it would be nice to have something similar for the projects, although I would prefer to do it in a different way:

Your future projects get a start date and you put them "On Hold", so they are out of the way. But being "On Hold" they are still in your scheduled review cycle for all projects "On Hold" and not in a view together with all active projects, which would make it difficult to selectively review them.

Then - when the start date arrives - they convert automatically to "Active Projects" and you see them and start acting upon them without any further remainder or intervention on your part.

"On Hold" would be the view for all projects defined as maybe/sometime without a specific start date and those future projects defined by a start date and converted to "Active Projects" upon reaching that start date.