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I don't necessarily have a problem with the price tag - I've used the OmniOutliner-based precursor to OmniFocus, and was one of the first purchasers of OmniFocus for the Mac as well as the iPhone. It's a tool, and I get more than enough value for what I'm paying for the different versions of the application.

My frustration with the price stems largely from Omni's decision to - first - refund iPhone app buyers $25 and then - second - to change that to just a refund of the original purchase price. But at the same time, they're doing nothing for people who have already invested in both versions of the application (and, in many cases, have purchased a variety of other Omni applications, family versions, upgrades, etc.).

It all comes across as taking care of customers who've recently joined the fold, while ignoring those who've been loyal users for, in many cases, years. I appreciate that discounting in the App Store is problematic, but you've managed to figure out a process for the iPhone refunds, so it can't be quite that difficult.

I've purchased the iPad app, and I expect to get full value. But I can't help but feel that Omni is sending a strange message in terms of which customers it plans to reward.