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Originally Posted by dhm2006 View Post
While I agree that the initial red color was unnecessarily intense, I don't agree the use of color other than pale grey is "shouting". I think Omni does not have to do away with color other than pale grey altogether for the number badges to achieve good graphic design. Omni uses color effectively in OmniPlan and OmniDazzle. I think they will in OF as well.

I find the visual cue of different colors to distinguish different types of items very helpful.
I am glad this topic was brought-up. I too find sheer pleasure by using Omni apps to a great extend due to beautiful design. I am actually shifting from Notebook (which I consider a much more feature reach app) to Onmi Outliner to a great extent for this same reason.

That being said, I do as well find value in some sort of color cue to indicate different states of the action, and totally agree that there is no need for them 'to shout' at us... doing my to dos it's ultimately my responsibility and the app does a good job at easily letting me know what they are. So I would support a more subtle color distinction as well,but keep the functionality.
