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This problem is also exacerbated (for me) by the fact that the "Due Soon" count shows unavailable actions from sequential projects that have a due date (ie, where the project has a due date which is "Due Soon", but the actions themselves do not).

This creates an artificially large "Due Soon" count. I realize that realistically, all actions are "Due Soon" in order to complete the entire project, but it artificially (and frighteningly) increases the count into the hundreds in some cases (think seven or eight projects with 15-20 sequential actions per project).

Back on the subject at hand, however, I'd also question whether it's desirable to show the badge at all for some users.... OF can only update this badge when it's running, so the number can quickly become "stale" if you're not running OF on a regular basis (ie, actions that become "Due" while OF is not running will not show an updated count). Obviously, most of us die-hards probably do run OF fairly regularly, but I can see how not having a number showing up might lead one to a false sense of security that everything was done -- particularly for those users who don't fully understand that the number will not update when OF is not actually running.

I'd suggest a configuration setting with three options: Show None, Show Overdue, Show Overdue & Due Soon.