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Originally Posted by policarpo View Post
This creates an issue since the right most area is typically where a user scrolls when perusing long lists.
It's safe to scroll by swiping vertically over any portion of the row, whether or not there's a checkbox. Checkboxes will only interpret your finger's gesture as a tap if you place it and lift it again without moving it in between.

I sometimes accidentally tick off a Task because of this, and I generally don't remember what it was since the item disappears so quickly.
Any time you change your mind about a change you just made (whether it was an intentional change or just an accident as in this case), you can tap on the "Undo" button up in the toolbar to get back to your previous state. (As long as your changes haven't synchronized yet, you can Undo the last 20 changes or so. If you Undo too much, you can also hold-press on the Undo button to get a menu which includes the option to Redo changes.)

Hope this helps!