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Having quietly trolled this forum for the last few weeks, it seems like there's a rather consistent meme going one (a couple actually..). The one specifically tossing back and forth in my brain is the "How do i see just...." question. Some wanting to see just what they need to do today - or see just this context - etc. The typical forum response is the obvious one - use a perspective to sort your tasks by the appropriate property. Also useful in some cases is to simply select the contexts that are relevant for your current state, and the view window will show you want you need. For me, this is surely sufficient, but I feel like there is a philosophical disconnect for me with these responses.

The Focus feature was originally touted as the mainstay of working with OF - you could block out all the noise during planning and focus down on what's relevant - reducing any background distration. Is there any reason not to extend this out to contexts?

This isn't intended to be another post nagging about how OF "should be" - I'd much rather discuss how people view the OF philosophy - and why this functionality does/doesn't fit the mold. I always thought the main thrust of OF was literally to focus - removing things that may seem only marginally distracting like extra contexts in the side bar - or more importantly - extraneous data below the level of importance to you (ie not due for a week; items due to be reviewed after this week...etc)
