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I upgraded to OF 1.7 on my iPhone 3G last night. Earlier this week I upgraded the phone to iOS 4.

A few minutes ago, I picked up my phone to use it. When I'd set it down a couple hours ago, I'd left it on Mail. There was an an alert showing overtop of my Inbox, telling me that an OF task had gone overdue. I didn't hear the alert, if it was audible (which I assume is true) I was beyond hearing distance - I was in another room of the house.

I had already marked this task as complete in OmniFocus on my Mac. Obviously I hadn't yet synched my iPhone, so it did not yet know that the task was complete.

For reason of this exact scenario, I have not been using iCal alerts on the iPhone. On some days I do a pretty good job of keeping both my Mac and iPhone in sync, but on days when I'm in front of my Mac for several hours, I'll let my iPhone fall behind and catch it up when I leave the office/house.

My concern today is that I did nothing to enable these alerts. I looked in the OFi Settings to shut them off, but I don't see the setting. So I don't know how to shut them off. Is there a config URL that I can use to stop these?

Even if the Mac (i.e. OF 1.8 sneakypeek) could reach out to the remote calendar when the task is done, I probably won't use alerts, because of the way I use due dates in OF*. Instead, wherever I am, I keep watch of my overdue counts, whether that's on my Mac screen or in OFi while I'm out and about. On some days I have a dozen or so alerts for recurring tasks, and I'd just go numb to the alerts - (this is the other reason I stopped using the iCal alerts on the iPhone).

It would be extremely useful if the OF badge on the iPhone could update itself without opening OF, I could either ignore it if I know that the phone wasn't in sync or it would prompt me to sync up. But I don't want these popup alerts.

* actually I would use the alerts again if it was not an all-or-nothing proposition - if I could engage the alert only for certain selected tasks, I would definitely use that.