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Originally Posted by soundsgoodtome View Post
since no doubt some users will only want an "on/off switch." But for those of us who routinely use dimmers, :-) this seems like a reasonable, real-world request. And with a preference allowing users to choose either 2-position or 3-position checkboxes, we'd have a win-win situation for all.

Having said that, I'm open to new ways of doing things.... But what could be simpler? Some of the suggestions in the "delegated tasks" thread were rather convoluted. (No offense to anyone who posted there!) There were complex schemes of nested contexts. There was the creation, after placing a call, of a separate, child event; then updating the child event along the way, or deleting the child event, returning focus to the parent event after a specified period of time, etc.... Oh, what a tangled web....
I am in the binary crowd on this one -- an action is either done or not done. "In progress" would not be of much help to me, but I am not opposed in theory to options.

What I do for phone calls like the ones you describe is to append "- WF callback" to the original action (not in the notes field, but in the title field) and change the context to Waiting For. If I want a record of when and how often I called to get through to someone or some business, I make notes in note field. I think that is straightforward. No nested actions, no switching to Planning view.