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Originally Posted by Janice
Status could encompass categories such as delegated, pending/waiting for, scheduled, ASAP, reference, prospective/someday/maybe. The idea of creating contexts @delegated or @reference seems silly given the GTD meaning of context (environment(s) and/or resource(s) required to execute the task).
OmniFocus does have a notion of project status: a project can be active, on hold, completed, or dropped, and you can filter the project list using these states. You can also set start dates on projects and actions (giving you a "scheduled" state), and you can create different top-level folders for projects and use those to create your own arbitrary groupings of folders (such as a someday/maybe list, which might be a bunch of projects in an inactive folder).

I have to confess to a certain puzzlement over the whole notion of "delegated" as a context or separate state for an action. If I delegate an action, it's off my plate: that action is not really my action any longer. Instead, my action is to check to see if my designated delegate is progressing appropriately on the action, which usually implies adding a new action to an Agenda context (along the lines of "Review Jane's progress on plans for t-shirts") and scheduling it (say, for next week). When I look at my action list, I now see something concrete and specific that I can do at an appropriate time and place to keep that project moving forward.