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Hi there,

This is my first post as I am still evaluating OmniFocus for Mac (while already bought the iPhone/iPad apps). Please bear with me !

OK, so I am hooked to OmniFocus now and I really look forward to buy it.
The problem is that I don't know if I should buy from the Mac App Store or the Omni Store. So I searched and searched again without finding THE answer to this dilemna.

As far as I get it :
  • Mac App Store
    Pay once, get free updates for future versions
    No access to betas
    Problems with many scripts
  • Omni Store
    Pay now and then pay for major upgrades (knowing that 2.0 may not be that far away)
    betas for the people
    flawless scripts

Did I miss anything ?
I am some kind of a techie so fiddling with the scripts to get them to get over and work with the MAS version is not a huge problem but the betas are just my world (iOS 5 anyone ?)

So please let me know your point for chosing an option or the other.
I still have 11 days left on my trial version (I got 14 more days from the support ninjas which is just great by the way).

That said, thanks for reading all this from the French guy that I am (excuse my French...)
