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I think jdh's proposal has merit, especially if the context for parents could be set to default to something like "Review" (or whatever the user chose). That default would essentially replace the Parent bin that I suggested.

It's not clear to me which would be more understandable. One difference with jdh's proposal is that it exposes in the UI that there is a distinction between the context of a project and the default context for actions in that project. That gives the user the ability to set the two independently. With the Parent bin proposal the context of a project effectively would always be Parent, though Parent would be called out in the UI as a special context.

For extra credit, suppose that contexts for projects could be automatically set in the preferences. What do you call that setting to distinguish it from the default context field of a project that will be used by new actions?

(I have to say, I'm enjoying the discussion about the best way to resolve this. Thanks for all the interesting opinions. I know the folks from Omni are watching the thread.)
