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Originally Posted by BwanaZulia View Post
Not sure it is...

I am on a project, it has a task I think of a few more tasks, I want to add them quickly. Double tapping to get the pop up, gets me no where.

There is a + button the top, but it isn't under the project.

Think about how easy it is to add a task to a project on the desktop app, it shouldn't be harder than that.

That bottom bar (the wasted one that is just rounded right now) should be tap-able. You tap it, and down pops another task.

If you really want to add multiple tasks to the project, then you can focus on the project and click the + button, and you will see the option to add a new task in the project.

I know it's still more taps than what you are asking, but I found this to be helpful in adding multiple tasks at the same time to a project.