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I've just seen a raft of my 'actions' get flagged by OF as 'Due Soon' - trouble is at least some of them should have been flagged as such yesterday some time!

As mentioned in a previous post, I have debug messages turned on. As far as I can tell, when scheduling when the next 'isDueSoon' timer should fire, the elapse time is far too far in the future: i.e. 180000 seconds or 50 hours (my 'Due Soon' preference is set at 2 days). I find this extremely odd given that I know there are tasks within the next 50 hours that should be flagged as 'Due Soon' within that time period - what gives? This also appears to be borne out by subsequent messages issued when the timer eventually does fire where tasks are identified as 'elapsing' some substantial period back in time:
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000>: next task date elapses in -148228.0 seconds
I attach what I believe to be the pertinent debug messages from my console log - I have substituted task/project descriptions with '<text description>' for privacy reasons:

29/01/2010 08:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000>: Setting limit date of 2010-01-31 10:10:27 +0000 with predicate isDueSoon == 0 AND effectiveDateDue < CAST(286625427.931984, "NSDate")
29/01/2010 08:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000>: No minimum date, using limit date 2010-01-31 10:10:27 +0000
29/01/2010 08:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000>: next task date elapses in 180000.0 seconds
29/01/2010 17:45:55	OmniFocus[13018]	tasks = {(
        "__self__" = "<OFMTask:0x7b6220 - eKOoVa7E9OA '<text description>'>";
        objectID = "<ODOObjectID: 0x7b6500>";
        values =         {
            attachments = {(
            blocked = 0;
            blockedByFutureStartDate = 0;
            children = <null>;
            childrenCount = 0;
            childrenCountAvailable = 0;
            childrenCountCompleted = 0;
            completeWhenChildrenComplete = 0;
            containingProjectContainsSingletons = 1;
            containingProjectInfo = "<OFMProjectInfo:0x7b6390 ProjectInfo gjYNtHILLdC>";
            containsNextTask = 0;
            context = "<OFMContext:0x14a1ea00 - eW6W-jLeki_ '<text description>'>";
            creationOrdinal = 0;
            dateAdded = 2009-11-08 23:31:48 +0000;
            dateCompleted = <null>;
            dateDue = 2010-01-29 17:00:00 +0000;
            dateModified = 2010-01-10 12:59:09 +0000;
            dateToStart = <null>;
            effectiveContainingProjectInfoActive = 1;
            effectiveDateDue = 2010-01-29 17:00:00 +0000;
            effectiveDateToStart = <null>;
            effectiveFlagged = 0;
            estimatedMinutes = <null>;
            flagged = 0;
            hasCompletedDescendant = 0;
            hasFlaggedTaskInTree = 0;
            hasUnestimatedLeafTaskInTree = 1;
            hierarchicalName = "";
            inInbox = 0;
            isDueSoon = 1;
            isOverdue = 0;
            maximumEstimateInTree = <null>;
            minimumEstimateInTree = <null>;
            name = "<text description>
            nextTaskOfProjectInfo = <null>;
            noteXMLData = <3c746578 743e3c70 3e3c7275 6e3e3c6c 69743e4e 65656420 746f2070 75742073 69676e61 6c6c696e 67207374 72756374 75726573 20696e2e 3c2f6c69 743e3c2f 72756e3e 3c2f703e 3c2f7465 78743e>;
            parent = "<OFMTask:0x7b62a0 - gjYNtHILLdC '<text description>'>";
            projectInfo = <null>;
            rank = -1759743546;
            rankPath = 268435456.536870912.387740102;
            repetitionString = <null>;
            sequential = 0;
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000> timer fired
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000>: Clearing timer
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000> processing 0 tasks 
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000> processing {(
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000>: Setting limit date of 2010-02-02 12:10:27 +0000 with predicate isDueSoon == 0 AND effectiveDateDue < CAST(286805427.933059, "NSDate")
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000>: Found minimum date of 2010-01-31 17:00:00 +0000
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	tasks = {(
        "__self__" = "<OFMTask:0x14b0d3c0 - fyqbPO3yif0 '<text description>'>";
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            hasCompletedDescendant = 0;
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            hasUnestimatedLeafTaskInTree = 1;
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            minimumEstimateInTree = <null>;
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31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000>: next task date elapses in -148228.0 seconds
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000> timer fired
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000>: Clearing timer
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000> processing 10 tasks 
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000> processing {(
    "<OFMTask:0x7e57f0 - mtfpmqljfkw '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x14b06a70 - lP8FdR59AQg '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x7f2ef0 - jnD6LAerI43 '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x7ea790 - bDmCPeD1298 '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x14b12d00 - jQbvycKeNEJ '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x14b0d3c0 - fyqbPO3yif0 '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x7ef080 - fvB-eJU3zXC '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x7eb460 - nqw2HGysauL '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x14b12050 - fZ8w1x9PlyB '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x7e8e10 - aCRpLVm4QX3 '<text description>'>"
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	Adding task <OFMTask:0x7ef080 - fvB-eJU3zXC '<text description>'> for com.omnigroup.omnifocus.live_fetch.tasks_by_elapsed_date.effectiveDateDue.isDueSoon
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	Adding task <OFMTask:0x14b12050 - fZ8w1x9PlyB '<text description>'> for com.omnigroup.omnifocus.live_fetch.tasks_by_elapsed_date.effectiveDateDue.isDueSoon
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	Adding task <OFMTask:0x14b0d3c0 - fyqbPO3yif0 '<text description>'> for com.omnigroup.omnifocus.live_fetch.tasks_by_elapsed_date.effectiveDateDue.isDueSoon
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	Adding task <OFMTask:0x14b06a70 - lP8FdR59AQg '<text description>'> for com.omnigroup.omnifocus.live_fetch.tasks_by_elapsed_date.effectiveDateDue.isDueSoon
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	Adding task <OFMTask:0x7eb460 - nqw2HGysauL '<text description>'> for com.omnigroup.omnifocus.live_fetch.tasks_by_elapsed_date.effectiveDateDue.isDueSoon
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	Adding task <OFMTask:0x14b12d00 - jQbvycKeNEJ '<text description>'> for com.omnigroup.omnifocus.live_fetch.tasks_by_elapsed_date.effectiveDateDue.isDueSoon
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	Adding task <OFMTask:0x7f2ef0 - jnD6LAerI43 '<text description>'> for com.omnigroup.omnifocus.live_fetch.tasks_by_elapsed_date.effectiveDateDue.isDueSoon
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	Adding task <OFMTask:0x7e57f0 - mtfpmqljfkw '<text description>'> for com.omnigroup.omnifocus.live_fetch.tasks_by_elapsed_date.effectiveDateDue.isDueSoon
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	Adding task <OFMTask:0x7ea790 - bDmCPeD1298 '<text description>'> for com.omnigroup.omnifocus.live_fetch.tasks_by_elapsed_date.effectiveDateDue.isDueSoon
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	Adding task <OFMTask:0x7e8e10 - aCRpLVm4QX3 '<text description>'> for com.omnigroup.omnifocus.live_fetch.tasks_by_elapsed_date.effectiveDateDue.isDueSoon
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000>: No minimum date, using limit date 2010-02-02 12:10:27 +0000
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	<OFMTaskElapsedDateController:0x217f0d0 - isDueSoon/effectiveDateDue/172800.000000>: next task date elapses in 180000.0 seconds
31/01/2010 10:10:27	OmniFocus[13018]	Posting notification for com.omnigroup.omnifocus.live_fetch.tasks_by_elapsed_date.effectiveDateDue.isDueSoon with tasks (
    "<OFMTask:0x7ef080 - fvB-eJU3zXC '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x14b12050 - fZ8w1x9PlyB '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x14b0d3c0 - fyqbPO3yif0 '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x14b06a70 - lP8FdR59AQg '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x7eb460 - nqw2HGysauL '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x14b12d00 - jQbvycKeNEJ '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x7f2ef0 - jnD6LAerI43 '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x7e57f0 - mtfpmqljfkw '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x7ea790 - bDmCPeD1298 '<text description>'>",
    "<OFMTask:0x7e8e10 - aCRpLVm4QX3 '<text description>'>"

Last edited by MikeM; 2010-01-31 at 03:48 AM..