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Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
I won't speak for anyone but myself, but I think the point being made when OP is suggested is that it is a better tool for planning the work of several people than OF is, not that OP is currently an ideal tool for each of those people to manage their own work.
Well having used OP I do find its positive attributes, but for anything dealing with Delegation, Sharing or Collaboration it doesn't work @ all.

I generally don't spec out deliverables in a PM app since I work directly with Project Managers to establish Milestones and Review dates. I spec out with them when things will get done...and then from this outline I delegate tasks to my team. I had a pretty decent system working with OmniFocus, iCal, BusySync and Anxiety, but in the end it proved too much hand holding on my part, and we decided on TaskFreak.

Anyway, I feel like we keep talking in circles about this feature request (it's always a, "I don't need it so why build it," argument whenever the subject comes up...or use OmniPlan to do all of it).

OP isn't the answer since it doesn't really do this now.
OF isn't the answer since it doesn't do this now.
So what is the answer? Use something that does...but man, I really want the feature in OF ya know. :)