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Ok so I got bumped from the other thread. I read all 8 pages and I have no clue why no pointed out that a calendar view is simply a better way to organize time, especially if others are involved. Like QWERTY, calendars may not be the best solution, but it's what everyone uses.

Ok so I want:

OF and Omniplan integration. I want to pick an OF project and then have the option to have that whole list of tasks show up in OP, complete with dependancies, gantt chart, etc. And I want to go backwards... if make a change in OP, for example finish a task, reassign a context, add subtasks, etc. I want that to show up in OF.

I want to publish some tasks or some contexts to my ical I want to be able to take a list of dated but untimed tasks and have them show up in iCal as allday events... but after I take the time to move those events to my schedule, I want those new data to show up in omnifocus.

For me, the context view is pretty useful, but the ultimate "context" view that runs my life is my calendar. Please don't make me enter data twice (I already have a weekly block dedicated to updating OP, OF, etc... not to remind myself but rather so others know that I am busy for that 2 hours.)

(For the record, Ical is a piece of crap. But at least I can have my ical calanders and gcal calenders. Plus they finally allowed others to update subscirbed calanders, or so apple claims. Saddest part of the iPhone/iPad success is how poorly the whole mobileme implementation sucks. Leave me be with my dot mac address. Thanks.)

Sure, I could hire an admin to do this for me, but I thought the whole point of technology was to reduce as much scutt work as possible.

Thank you I will take my answer off the air.