Thread: Fear of OF/GTD
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Originally Posted by Don1 View Post
I like what I see (in the other thread) but, I wonder if this is the direction I should take. The ultimate goal is to grow the business so that each department is run by different people, each having their group of projects and tasks. That being said, I am open to some criticism on the present setup of projects/departments.
I think the bit you're missing here is the fact that if you have everything grouped on one place, you're defining the process and the interactions your departments will have in the future.

To remember: a Project is a collection of actionable items, and Context (in GTD) is a set of minimal requirements you need to have the actionable item done i.e. to Call someone you need your phone, thus the Phone Context; to search something on Google you need to be Online; to drop something in the Post Office you need to go there in the first place, and so on.

Hope this helps.