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Originally Posted by Brian View Post
I assume you've already done this, but open up Sync preferences on one of your macs and check the "Show Sync Clients" button. Are there duplicate entries or stale entries in the list? If so, you want to remove dupes and/or have the other machines sync to catch up.

If all dupes are removed and your devices are all caught up, you should see your database shrink after the first sync that's an hour later. (There are technical reasons that I can never remember when I'm writing one of these posts why we need to leave the files there for an hour.)
I've kept the sync devices list down to four actual and current devices, and all sync most days. No duplicate or stale items.

The hour delay business is unexpected and weird, but now that I let the database rest for an hour, my number of zip files has indeed gone down. It's something like 50, but that's much better than 200.
