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Originally Posted by Brian View Post
I think you make a good case for adding a useful 'iPhone' context to your list. :-)

I'm now wondering what would now go into this new "iPod Touch" context.
Initially after getting the iPod Touch I created an "Anywhere" context in which anything could be done either on my Macbook or iPod Touch (i.e Online) went into the new "Anywhere" context...but this new "Anywhere" context hasn't been the easiest to use. Mainly because I threw just about everything that was on my Mac contexts. However I quickly realized that such actions that can be done on my Mac Online of Offline can't be done on my iPod Touch.

The iPod Touch however still serves as a great tool for productivity, though before creating this new iPod Touch context I need to know the rules for what is to go in there.


(Currently Under "Mac: Online")

1. Pay CitiCards Bill

2. Log into Mint Account

3. Google Teotihuacan Photos & Save

4. Research USC Scholarships Info

5. Google New Pair of Shoes

#1 I do only on my Mac, since the site is easier to navigate, plus I use 1Password and most importantly feel safer using my Mac than a random on campus PC. #2 I can do on the iPod Touch with the Mint app, but something important to consider when creating this new iPod Touch context is that I'm not always online with the iPod Touch. #3 is best suited to be done on my Mac or any random PC (I'll save it to my Google Notebook). #4 as well, I can't do research for something like this on an iPod Touch; maybe when mobile Safari gets multiple tabs. & finally #5 I'd prefer to do it on the Mac.

Rather than bore you with the Mac Offline Contexts i'll mention the "Anywhere" context


1. Review Checklist in Omnioutliner (Daily Morning Reoccurring Action)

2. Review & Revise This Project (Multiple Projects have this)

3. Write down 2 Ancient civilization ideas & place in Anth 202 Folder

4. Read The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

5. Write Down Gym Routine For The Day

#1 is reoccurring, a checklist detailing to check my email, empty OF inbox, etc and can be done in either the iPod Touch or Mac. Review & Revise, i'll do anywhere and sometimes on the iPod Touch if I'm bored in class. Read The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown is an PDF book that is currently on the iPod Touch using the Stanza application. & Write down gym routine can as well be done anywhere.

The dillema right now is how i'm going to have certain contexts only appear under either Mac or iPod Touch, then even further offline and online for each, while i'm sure some actions will have the freedom to be done on either device.