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Here is a typical workflow for me using OmniFocus.

. Wake up in the morning @ 6:30 am
. OF notifies me @ 6:45 on my iPhone that I need to feed the baby
. At 7:30 it notifies me that I need to Bathe the baby
. I grab the bus into work and review my Due Date Tasks on the iPhone
. I see that I have a meeting today but that I haven't assigned a time to it
. I remember that it's at 10:30am so I assign the time for the reminder to pop up @ 10:15am
. I roll into work
. Check off some items i needed to complete
. Harry walks in to my office with some stuff he needs by end of the day
. I type those into OF on my laptop
. It's 10:15 and my alarm goes off for the 10:30 meeting
. I hit the Sync button on the desktop version of OF
. Close the laptop and head across the road for the meeting
. On the walk over I open OF on my iPhone and see the new Tasks for Harry appear in my InBox where i created them on the desktop
. The meeting proves to be mind numbing so I review the tasks for Harry and realize he forgot a few things so I go ahead and add those to the list of deliverables for today
. I hit Sync just to make sure they are uploaded
. Meeting over, I head back to my office, open the laptop and see i have 3 emails from Harry asking for the exact things I added to my Tasks
. I email him and tell him that I've got it covered.
. Head down...get it done :)

-policarpo | GTD2CYA