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It can be done, but you might find it just as easy to create it directly in OmniFocus, which does have most of the same outlining tools as OmniOutliner.

Make your outline in OmniOutliner. Select the rows you want to copy, do Edit->Copy, switch to OmniFocus, click on the row handle of the row where you want the new material to go, and do Edit->Paste. You'll get a popup window where you tell OmniFocus which columns in the copied data go where in OmniFocus. Set those values and click OK. Unfortunately, not all fields transfer usefully. Durations, in particular, will be off by a factor of 60, so something you put as 2 hours in OmniOutliner will be 2 minutes in OmniFocus.

Everything will come in at the level where you pasted it (while still maintaining the hierarchical structure), but you can indent or outdent as needed. Folders you need to create by hand.

Personally, I only do this when there is a compelling reason to have it as an OmniOutliner document first, and that is a sign of headaches ahead, because if you change the OmniOutliner document, you need to either make corresponding changes in OmniFocus or redo the whole process.