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I know the cause and the temporary solution.
The "Bookmarks" name ("Lesezeichen" in German?) in the Localizable.strings and the Menu bar must be the same. If not, bookmarks don't appear. This is the same in the Japanese language environment.

Temporary solution is as follows:

Quit OmniWeb first.
Open the Contents > Resources > de.lproj > Localizable.strings with Xcode (or whichever text editor appliction you like).
You'll find these strings in lines 197-198.

/* bookmarks page title */
"Bookmarks" = "Lesezeichen";

Change it this way:

/* bookmarks page title */
"Bookmarks" = "Bookmarks";

Save it and relaunch OmniWeb.
This way you can see your bookmarks in the "Bookmarks" menu.