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Originally Posted by djbell View Post
Having an empty Next list for an accessible (focused) context despite having next actions to do is counterintuitive, and this happens often in the current functionality. To use Ethan verbiage, it does not "shrink to fit."
This is precisely my biggest problem with the current definition of "next" as applied to parallel projects.

For me, there's nothing worse than getting a phone call out of the blue, switching to that person's context, and getting an empty list, despite there being available issues (tasks) to discuss.

An alternate way to mitigate this would be to add an available-task counter next to the context name in the context tree (as others have suggested elsewhere). That way I'd at least be aware that there's something hidden at a glance, even without having to select the context. But that's still a band-aid (albeit very nice one on its own) rather than an actual solution.