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I don't know that OF is doing anything *wrong* here, just not meeting your expectations. What you're asking for may indeed be a simple task, but if the app isn't designed to do that task, nothing you do in it is going to work.

It would be like asking for TexEdit to be a better word processor. Sure, it has many word processor-like features, and you can use it as such, but eventually you have to either use it for what it is, or use something else.

In OF, actions repeat from the Assigned date or the Completed date. If you have an action "Eat an apple", set to repeat daily, and the first one is set for Jan 1, 10am:

* if you use "from Completed date", your next one will be one day from when you complete it. If you complete it on Jan 1, the next one is Jan 2. If you don't complete the Jan 2 until Jan 4, the next one is Jan 5. You'll only ever have one "eat an apple" action at a time.

* if you use "from Assigned date", your next one will be Jan 2, 10am, and the next one Jan 3, 10am. If you don't complete the Jan 3 until Jan 6, the next one shows up immediately as due on Jan 4; you complete that, another shows up for Jan 5, etc., until you're caught up.

What is it you'd like to see happen?