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I'm a web developer, and while my main browser is OmniWeb, I'm often using just about any other browser out there. A major problem I run into regularly is that every browser has different shortcuts.

View source is the worst, every browser has a different shortcut for view source, I view source all the time when debugging server-side scripts and I have to use the menu, because I can never remember which of the four view source shortcuts apply to the active browser! Another one is show downloads panel. Like view source, it's a different shortcut in every browser, but it's particularly bad in OmniWeb because the Safari shortcut is Cmd-Opt-L, which shows the separate location bar in OmniWeb, which then automajically removes the address bar item from the toolbar, necessitating a trip to the customize toolbar panel to undo your mistake.

Perhaps if OmniWeb goes for shortcut parity with Safari, other browsers will follow? crossed fingers

Note that I'm not suggesting OmniWeb have 100% identical shortcuts, just bring them a little closer, especially with commonly used actions.