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Reading the article by Matthew Cornell that brianogilvie linked to, it reminded me of a scheduling-esque thing that I do with OF, which is to schedule specific time to clear out those sets of actions that I discover I've avoided during weekly review. For example, I'll figure out that clearing out my least-favorite context will take four hours; I'll schedule the time for the next day or the day after to do that and that only. Some other typical areas that I have scheduled specific time are things that have been in OF for over a month, in whatever context; my favorite context to work on (which I ordinarily feel guilty about working on); my oldest projects; et.c. et.c.

Doing that kind of scheduling may make this Mission Control or whatever more useful because you don't have to schedule in like 20 10 minute gaps in a day, you can schedule in one or two or three areas or perspectives in OF, for which each action may take a little more or less time than you expected, and probably you'll end up having more done.