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Originally Posted by erik_westra View Post
I'm no expert in the use of OF, but one thing that I've found to be incredibly useful is to setup a context called "Note". This context has a status of "on hold", so these items won't appear in any of my real context lists.

I use the "Note" context for all sorts of project-related notes, things that I know I'll need to know in order to complete the project, but which don't directly involve an action. Sometimes I'll just dump something in as a note, and then turn it into an action at my next review time once I've had a chance to think about it. But, for me, the ability to dump non-actions into a project so I can remember them and deal with them later has been fantastically useful.

Hope this helps...

- Erik.

PS: Because the "Notes" context has a status of on hold, I do have to be careful that a note doesn't make an entire project on hold. A few times, I've had to rearrange the actions within the project so that it has a real action at the top, or switch the project from serial to parallel. It'd be great if we could have a "non-action" status for a context, that acted like "on hold" but didn't stall the project. Just a thought...
nice to follow a bit of your work flow! I 'm aiming at this that you mention in your PS; in order for GTD to function and offload our minds we can't mess around to much and put our own reminders - I'm honestly having trouble accepting that somewhere in the middle of all the projetcs, notes, reminders, buckets etc in OF - "there could exist something that will ruin fluidity and put entinre projects on hold or just. I am trying to dump so much into a gtd app that it feels ridiculous at times but after all - gtd is "simple" I'm getting confused about the "most suited app for gtd" as so many are emerging all the time and everytime they introduce something new and smarter. Atleast on paper and low tech management system gtd works but it looses speed and cant handle the volumes of notes and inboxes i'm used to...I will toy arround with OF some more to see how it can be trusted to offload my mind ;)
Appreciate your input!