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Originally Posted by Lizard View Post
Actually, you can do this. In fact, when you create a new custom data column, it should automatically be added to the task outline view. It should also appear in the column list in the view options pane (command-j) so you can add or remove it whenever you want. If for some reason this isn't happening, please email us to report this bug!
Alright, it works now. It seems I was using a key I shouldn't have used: I called it "Time" and what it did was showing me in the column list a column with name "Duration" and the duration of each task as value. Now I called it "Workload" and it correctly displays the "Workload" column in the column list with the correct corresponding value.

About the procedure you proposed, I think it's a good idea if and only if the project plan is so detailed that you can break it down in chunks of 1 or 2 hours that focus on a very specific activity. In my case, I'm afraid it's not possible to do so at the start of the project: I'll get more details on who I need to interview or how much literature I have to review during my research and not before I start. Also, since I'm managing the project myself, I'm pretty flexible in deciding, on any given day, what I'm going to be working on (within limits, that is).

I'll go on with the Custom Data cheap trick for the time being, but I hope future versions of OmniPlan will be able to better address my problem!


P.S. For those who are interested, here's my project plan: