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Originally Posted by Casper TFG View Post
Thanks for the tip!
Otherwise out of the office I would be
reading emails
Know what I want to do with them (file them into OF, set up projects etc)
But would be unable to do it
would have to get back home...
Find email in my OF inbox (having emailed it there?)
Remember what I wanted to do with it..
So, if you're drinking the OF kool-aid, it is a 3-step process:
1. Capture
2. Plan
3. Act

Forwarding an email (to OF) is capturing, but deciding what to do with it is planning. I gather you prefer planning at the time of capture, and OF does support that very nicely. It is just a personal preference-- I dump em into my inbox without thinking too much about it, so I am not distracted from whatever action I'm already doing.

However, if I already know how to plan something from an email, I can forward it and then change the email subject line to something like this:
-- Buy nails > Remodeling @Errands #friday

That will automatically create the action "Buy nails" in the "Remodeling" project and assign the context "Errands", with a due date of this Friday. The body of the email is put into the action's note.

The things you can do with specially-formatted subject line (or in the body) include:

creating the action (--)
assigning a project (>)
assigning a context (@)
specifying start and due dates (#)
entering time estimates ($)
adding a note (//)

So your style of organizing while capturing will be facilitated by OF's ability to parse the email and decide how to organize.


Last edited by shhQuiet; 2009-04-22 at 10:18 AM..