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Originally Posted by Chris777uk View Post
I think I may be asking the same question so will put it under here!
You are.
this is an embarrassing noob Q!!
Nah, it's fine.
Basically, If I set up a new project let's say 'Upcoming Event'
Add a few other actions in the project and contexts of 'office' to each action when I think go into context mode it always says the project titles have no context? yet the actions have?
And when I add a new project it won't let me add a context!?
Projects usually get contexts added via the inspector or by right-clicking and choosing the context in the Context section of the popup menu. There are some routes by which you can set it without using the inspector or popup, but we'll ignore them for now. Action groups, which are like projects embedded in projects, behave similarly to projects as far as showing up in the context view, but can have their context set directly if you are in context view and have turned on the display of the context column.

So, it is expected behavior that your projects don't have contexts even though the actions do — you need to set a context for the project if you want one. Besides the defaulting of the context for child rows entered after setting the context, setting the context for a project or action group controls where the project or action group will appear in the context view listing. In your example, if you set your "Upcoming Event" project to have context "Office" you would get "Office" set as the context for any new action entered in the project (unless you entered something else). When you switch to context mode and start doing the actions, once you'd completed them all, "Upcoming Event" would appear as an available action in the "Office" context. Checking it off would complete the project. Or, if you're a proponent of the "plan as you go" approach, seeing it appear would be the indication that it was time to figure out the next handful of actions. Often it isn't practical to draw the entire sequence of actions for a project at the outset.